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Four Ways to Make Senior Living Easier

Posted on March 23, 2018 in Senior Lifestyle Options

Moving from one place to another is never easy — but this is especially true when you’re moving from your long time home to a retirement living community.

So what can you do to make this entire process easier on you and everyone involved?

While the answer is not always the same for everyone, we’ve compiled a small list of our most popular solutions.

4 Best Practices for Moving into Your New Home:

1.    Learn how to downsize and right-size the right way. Look up tips online, or even attend seminars on downsizing. (Like those offered quarterly at Ohio Living Breckenridge Village!) These can help you get the right idea of how to downsize without feeling overwhelmed or out-of-depth.

2.    Allow yourself plenty of time to downsize and move. Give yourself the time to plan in advance so you don’t end up doing it all in a rush. This way, it’s less stressful, and there’s a smaller chance that you’ll be pressed to make a decision that you’ll come to regret later.

3.    Don’t overload yourself; do little bits at a time. Don’t try to get through all of your things in a day or two. It’s not feasible, and if it were, it would still be too stressful. When you break down the process, there’s less pressure on the project, which makes it more enjoyable.

4.    Get any help you can. Ask for help from family or friends. The people we love most will most likely love to give you the help you need in any stage of moving. Also, if you are making the move to Ohio Living Breckenridge Village, you have the option of utilizing a program like the Ohio Living Breckenridge Village Advantage Program, which will give you a step up — making the entire process easier.

If you have any questions or want more information about the programs or seminars mentioned above, feel free to give us a call at 440-942-4342.