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Socialization and Improved Brain Health

Posted on May 11, 2018 in Active Aging

Along with lifelong learning, physical exercise, and good nutrition, cultivating a rich social life is one of the key ingredients to having optimal health. But as important as physical activity is to your body, your brain needs exercise too. Your brain can be exercised in a number of ways, including socializing and interacting with other.

One of the vital ways to give your memory a real workout is through socialization. In fact, a recent study cited in ScienceDaily reports that people who routinely engage in social interactions have higher cognitive performance than those who were in the control group for the study.

One study from the University of Michigan finds that a simple friendly conversation can improve mental function. However, the study also notes that conversations that are held in competitive tones offer no cognitive benefits – so keep those encounters friendly.

Even more importantly, socializing gives older adults things on the calendar to anticipate and look forward to. According to AARP, it helps to keep older adults engaged in what’s going on in the world around them and can be instrumental in keeping illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease at bay.

Of course, it’s not all about who you do it with, but also about the things you do. These social activities can boost your brain health even further into the stratosphere.

Pursue Creative Passions

Embrace your inner artist. Take the time to finally sit down and paint that masterpiece. Even better is joining in on workshops, where you can interact and explore your artistic passions with others.

According to the American Academy of Neurology, engaging in artistic pursuits such as painting, sculpting, and even drawing, in middle age and older years can reduce your risk of developing cognitive impairments by as much as 73 percent.

Socialization Opportunities Abound at Ohio Living Breckenridge Village

At Ohio Living Breckenridge Village we embrace socialization as one of the primary, and necessary, components of successful living. Not only do we offer opportunities to socialize on campus through daily activities, workshops, learning experiences, and more, but we also offer excursions off-campus designed to enlighten the soul and the mind.

Breckenridge Village offers many daily opportunities for our residents to be socially active. Call Ohio Living Breckenridge Village today to learn more about keeping the mind active and engaged.

Remember, keeping fit is about so much more than the body. It’s also about exercising your mind. The potential benefits of an active social life to improve brain health make it a priority for all older adults committed to successful living.