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Do You Know the Benefits of Pet Companionship in Retirement?

Posted on September 21, 2018 in Health and Wellness

As a pet owner, when you imagine your future, your fur babies are surely snuggled up at your feet, no matter where life takes you next. You have a deep connection with your pets. Regardless of your stage of life, that connection does not have to end. You need living arrangements that accommodate your pets with expansive grounds for long walks, open patios for lounging around, and occasional concierge services for those times when you need an extra hand. The continued companionship of your pets will benefit your health and wellbeing many times over. What is it that makes pets so good for us?

Pets Provide Endless Entertainment

As you well know, pets have a ton of personality and clown around throughout the day and night. Even in the midst of frustration, you may look up and just have to smile and laugh at your pet's antics. You may also appreciate the way your companions perceive the world around them. Sometimes, you can even feel a sense of the way they see the world or even view you. As a result, pets have a way of filling your hours, days, and years with meaning and purpose. Help your pet experience all the world has to offer, just to see his or her reaction to the next sight, smell, or sound.

Pets Increase Your Daily Physical Activity

Many pets thrive from taking daily walks throughout the community due to their innate need to travel. By taking your pets on daily walks, you gain enormous health benefits. Fresh air gives a boost to mental and respiratory health while natural sunlight amps up your vitamin D levels. The physical activity of walking keeps your muscles, joints, and ligaments strong and moving properly throughout the years. You will likely notice an improvement in both your overall strength and endurance from taking your pets out for regular exercise sessions.

Pets Reduce Feelings of Depression

Since pets reduce loneliness and increase lighthearted moments, many people notice a marked decrease in depression because of the constant companionship. You can actually feel this phenomenon working when your pet comes up to visit while you are feeling sad or anxious. Your mood lifts – as your troubles just seem to drift farther away – thanks to your pets’ presence. You can even bring your pet over to see a friend in need to share the wealth of having a beautiful companion animal around the house.

Pets Improve Community Connections

As you travel around with your pet, you might have more conversations with your fellow community members than ever before. People love to ask questions about pets, give out gentle pats, and share stories of their own loving companions. You may also find that your neighbors want to walk their pets at the same time to let the fur babies have friends of their own. As you head out the door, you’ll start to look forward to sharing the love you have for your pets with your newfound friends and neighbors.

Choosing Suitable Living Arrangements for You & Your Pets

As you can see, finding a suitable living arrangement that welcomes your pets will definitely benefit you in the long run. Thankfully, Ohio Living Breckenridge Village welcomes you and your pets with open arms. Our community's philosophies mean you always have the support required to live independently, surrounded by your pet and other important aspects of a fulfilling life.

You can tour the grounds and available apartment, Brownstones and Ranch homes to find the best layout for your needs. Once you and your pet are settled in, you can arrange for an overnight stay for your family. Everything from the building layout to the friends you will meet ensure you will instantly feel at home in your new community.